5 Ways to BLESS your Church Family

October 29, 2018 | Tyson Herald

During our BLESS series Pastor Jon said that being a BLESSing starts at home, then moves to our church family, and lastly to our community at large. There's a lot of people who attend West Bridge so how could you possibly BLESS them? Here's a few ideas! 
1. Show up. It's hard to BLESS others if you're not around them. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "Let us consider how we can spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another..." One of the best ways you can BLESS your church family is by showing up weekly and offering your gifts or encouragement to the other believers here at West Bridge. The apostle Paul knew that the church functioned best when all the believers were together. We need you, we want you and your presence here is a BLESSing to us! 
2. PRAY. Pray for our pastors and leaders. Pray that God's Spirit would flow in and through our people.  Ask someone near you on a Sunday if there's anything you can specifically pray for them. I've never seen someone turn down a request to be prayed for. It'll BLESS them and give you a chance to reconnect with them next Sunday to follow up. 
3. SERVE 1 Peter 4:10 says, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Peter says we can extend God's grace (or BLESSing) thru serving others with the gifts He's given us! 
4. Join a small group. Small groups are not the only place to find community in and around the church. However, they do provide the opportunity to connect with others and grow in our faith. Small groups are one of the few places outside of serving in a ministry that you get to know and share with other believers. 
5. Show hospitality. Coming to church can be easy. If you want to, you can sneak in the back, sneak out at the end of the service and few people will know you're here. We're called to not just come to church. We're called to be the church.  Paul says in Romans 12:13, " Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Inviting people into your home can be intimidating. If you don't feel comfortable to invite them to your home, start by just inviting them out to eat at a local restaurant, then move to your home. The idea of practicing hospitality means we do it more than once, we get better at it, and it becomes easier over time.
There's something special that happens when believers get together to BLESS one another. Give a try this week! 
