
November 28, 2018 | Tyson Herald

No one likes to wait. Period.

-If a line looks too long at the drive thru we'll go to another place. 
-We'll pay more for an item to be shipped to us faster. 
-We can instantly share pictures that 20 years ago we'd have to drop at a one hour photo place for them to be developed. 
This time of year is often referred to as Advent. By definition, it's a time of expectant waiting, preparation and repentance. It's a reminder and celebration of a time that people longed for a Savior to show up and rescue them. 
If we don't like waiting we also don't like to be interrupted. We like to make plans and we get frustrated if God's plans and our plans don't line up. 
Maybe you're waiting for a job? 
Maybe you're waiting for a spouse?
Maybe you're waiting on a recovery from an illness?
Christmas shows us that God is in the business of abiding by His time table, not ours. 
But what if we started looking to see what God was doing in the midst of our waiting? In the midst of our interruptions? You see when no one expected it, Jesus showed up on the earth as a baby.  The jewish people were longing for God to intervene in their story. Jesus showed up, but not in the way they hoped for or expected. 
The time of Advent calls us to be expectant, be prepared, to be repentant. We can begin to look in these times of waiting and interruptions as to what God may be calling us to do. 
The sooner you let Jesus interrupt your story the better off you’ll be because His story is always better then the story we could come up with on our own. 

Look for God to interrupt your story and then follow Him today! 

Read these words from David in Psalm 40:1-"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in Him." 
