Practicing the Way of Jesus
Core Work
The Christmas Question
In His Shadow
Praying Like


Remember W.W.J.D. bracelets? They were an encouragement to frame each choice with the lens of looking at "What Would Jesus Do?" For the next 12 weeks, we'll be studying through the book of Mark to see the beautiful possibility of what is looks like to live our lives like Jesus did, by practicing the way of Jesus. Wherever you're at in your walk with Christ...just starting, growing, or nearing sanctification!...we always have a next step on this side of heaven.

May 5, 2024

Four Imperatives

We finish our series "Practicing the Way of Jesus" this week! We cover one of only two miracles that is recorded in all four gospel accounts. This familiar miracle has four imperatives for every person who follows Jesus!

April 28, 2024

Living Out Our Mission

April 21, 2024

The Clutch Reflex

We continue our message series "Practicing the Way of Jesus" and focus on how to purify our hearts to be more like Christ. This Sunday's message covers one of the biggest threats to our heart's purity! We don't have to fear the threat though; we'll look at some directives to help us practice the way of Jesus in our everyday lives.

April 14, 2024

Servant Over All

After last week's message and the event of the eclipse, perhaps you've been asking the question of yourself of whether you're living ready for Jesus' return?! Over the next few weeks, we'll continue thinking through areas of our lives and whether or not we are practicing the way of Jesus in that specific area, living ready for His return. This week we're in Mark 9.30-37 and look at our ambition to be great. We use the example of Christ as our model and adopt a new ambition when it comes to our own greatness!

April 7, 2024

Practical Wisdom

This week's message may provide some of the most practical wisdom we could share in regards to the world we live in. Mark 13 is commonly referred to as the Olivet Discourse. It might be one of the most difficult chapters in the New Testament. We'd encourage you to get a head start and read all of Mark 13 before you listen to this message. We talk about a variety of topics including the end of the world, eclipses, earthquakes, famines, persecution...and most importantly, Jesus' commands in the midst of it all.

March 31, 2024

Resurrection Joy

This week we take a look at Mark 16:1-8 and worship together with the resurrection joy of knowing our King is not there in the grave; He is risen! While we remember the pain and sacrifice that Christ experienced, what a gift that we can also look forward to our celebration together on Easter!

March 24, 2024

Road to the Cross

March 17, 2024

Secrets to Vacation

If you're planning a Spring Break trip or even a summer vacation, this week's message is a set of secrets to help make the most of the time away with those who matter most! Using wisdom from Jesus' words in Mark 6:30-31, our message this weekend is aimed at helping use times of rest for your own good and for God's glory as you find rest and refuel with those you love. Make sure to take notes for your next family vacation! 

March 10, 2024

Ultimate Wisdom

There are no shortage of voices to listen to in our world today. We can find input around every corner. In Mark 9, we'll hear the wisdom of where to find our direction and who is the ultimate voice to be listening to. We pray that this will encourage you to feel equipped to go and make disciples!

March 3, 2024

An Apprenticeship

This Sunday we look in at Jesus' life as if we're doing an apprenticeship, watching his work and seeking to model ourselves after his example. In Mark 1 and 2 we see the priorities in Jesus' life and evaluate how we can adopt the priorities of Christ in our own lives as we "Practice the Way of Jesus"!

February 25, 2024


Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do as Jesus does.

February 18, 2024

Repent & Believe

Our series through the book of Mark, "Practicing the way of Jesus" continues this week in Mark Chapter 1. We look at the call of Jesus to everyone who wants to be a part of His Kingdom!

February 11, 2024

Sacrificial Service

At the start of a new year, it's an opportunity to refocus on the things we let slip aside throughout the year (like that core work we wanted to get to...) Life gets busy, we get distracted, things don't go as planned, some sort of trial comes...but THIS work is well worth our pursuit, our devotion, our lives to make sure when trial hits, we're already ready to take the blow and remain steady. THIS core work, doesn't depend on our toughness or our grit or the number of reps we did in the's about dependence on One who is stronger than we can ever imagine. Join us for this 5 week series on using our trials to help strengthen our core as we rely on HIM!

February 4, 2024

Heart Check

It's the final week of our CORE WORK message series and we wrap it all up with an important reminder from Revelation 3. We look back over the areas we've covered so far and find a warning to consider that will help us - especially during the blessing times of life. As followers of Christ, we have a great treasure in store...let's keep strengthening our core to make it to the finish line strong, treasuring the One who gets us there!

January 28, 2024

The Evil Day

Today we look at one of the greatest examples of suffering in the Bible. As we look at Job's life, we focus on the bigger truth of who God is through the trial and even look at some practical steps to remember as you're walking through a trial yourself or with a friend. We pray that each week in this series, your core is being strengthened and you are being better equipped as disciples of Jesus Christ!

January 21, 2024


In Week 3 of our CORE WORK series we take a look at Hebrews 12 to reveal another reflex we can adopt to help us when trials come. We'll be reminded of why the core work is worth it in the end...when we see the final result and look forward to receiving the true treasure!

January 14, 2024


We're back at the work of strengthening our CORE this week! We're be focused on a different type of trial that we face and see how to remain steady, even when the hits from the enemy may come. 

January 7, 2024


Do you consider it pure JOY when you face trials, big or small? It's HARD. But James has a few encouraging things to say about how we do this! In this week's message we read through the first 8 verses of chapter 1 to learn that God's intention is to give us pure JOY all the the brim..overflowing!

December 31, 2023

He Came and He Will Return!

This time of year we clean up the wrapping paper, finish putting things away and turn down the Christmas lights, but there's one Light that won't EVER fade away. As we pivot from Christmas past to Christmas coming, this Sunday we'll be reminded of where to focus our eyes as we begin the new year.

December 24, 2023

He Came to Reveal Himself to Us

We see one final answer to the big question of "Why did God become human?" As we look through the gospel of John, we see this truth that will inform our faith and ignite our JOY as we look at who God is and why he came to be with us!

December 17, 2023

He Came to Give Hope

As we continue looking at the big question of "Why did God become human?", this week's truth is one that helps provide HOPE, especially in dark times. We look at specific times in Scripture when this truth is revealed and see how it continues for us today. If Christmas is a difficult season for you as you look at the road ahead, bring your worry, your burden, your hurt and join us to be ENCOURAGED by this truth about our King who is still providing HOPE for the hurting. 

December 10, 2023

He Came to be Our Example

This Sunday we unpack another answer to the Christmas Question: Why did God become human? As we look at the Christmas story from another perspective we still see an incredibly hopeful fact that awaits us all!

December 3, 2023

He Came to Save His People

The Christmas account in the Bible forces us to ask one really important question in response to what we read in the gospels. We hope as you look at the Christmas story from another perspective you'll see an incredibly hopeful fact that awaits us all!

November 26, 2023

In His Shadow: Week 4

This week, we wrap up the book of Ruth with a message that helps us continue worshiping with hearts full of gratitude for God's work of redemption - both in the lives of Ruth, Boaz and Naomi, as well as in our own lives! Ruth Chapter 4 is full of unexpected blessings in this portion of the book you could call - "The Great Reversal." 

November 19, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 3

We hope you've been living in His shadow as we work through the book of Ruth..and remembering the truth of Psalm 63.7..that because He has been our help, we can sing for joy! In Ruth Chapter 3, we'll see Ruth's redemptive story play out with unexpected, bold moves that are fueled by love and see how her story mirrors our own. 

November 12, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 2

Our message series through the book of Ruth continues in chapter 2! We'll take a look at the next chapter of Ruth's life and let it fuel our own hearts for Thanksgiving. We'll see the result of living IN HIS SHADOW that was true for Ruth, and can also be possible for us - even in the difficult seasons of our lives.

November 5, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 1

As we study through this first chapter of Ruth together, we'll be reminded of God's protective and perfect care for us as we dwell with HIM! 

October 29, 2023

Praying like Paul (pt. 2)

In part 3 of our message series on prayer, we see a picture of power and hope that comes as a result of prayer! The beauty of this prayer in Colossians 1 is that we can pray it for ourselves as we seek to be disciples of Christ and also pray it over those we are discipling. Then be prepared for what you'll witness as the Holy Spirit works and moves to display HIS glory through the lives of His disciples!

October 22, 2023

Praying Like Paul

In week 2 of our series on prayer, we look at what the apostle Paul says about prayer. He has laid out 6 things to pray for and we spend some time practicing these during the service.  >> "Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." <<

October 15, 2023

Praying Like Jesus

We kick off a new message series to help us run strong as disciples of Christ! We've looked at 5 core marks of a disciple, now we shift to what we need as the fuel to run the race. PRAYER is the breath in our lungs and the fuel for our soul...prayer matters!

October 8, 2023

The Reason Behind the Why

This week we look at one last mark of a disciple. More importantly, we learn the reason behind the action to ask WHY? - what's our motivation? When we get the reasons right, it brings pure JOY as we step into our life mission as a disciple and give it our all - for HIM! 

October 1, 2023

3 Growth Catalysts

Our Disciple message series continues this week as we look at how we can GROW to be more like Christ. As Peter reminds us in 2 Peter 1:1-15, no matter what stage we are in on our walk with Christ, we each have room to grow. We'll see a glimpse of a beautiful future and be encouraged to keep at it, pursuing HIM, because it's always worth it!

September 24, 2023

Community is God's Design

Jesus said that people would know we're his disciples by the love that we show each other. This might be one of the most difficult commands Jesus gave us. Today, we spend time in 1 Thessalonians 2 seeing the practical outpouring of this command in Paul's life and how we can do the same in ours! 

September 17, 2023

3 Realities to Be Fully Satisfied

September 10, 2023

The 5 Marks of a Disciple

September 3, 2023

Praying Like

A special service of seeking God in prayer for what He will do in the year ahead here at West Bridge!

August 11, 2024

Wisdom Is Essential

August 4, 2024

Male & Female

July 28, 2024

Let's Do A Heart Check

July 21, 2024

The Two-Step

July 14, 2024

Living Ready to Suffer and Serve

July 7, 2024

Witness When It's Hard

June 30, 2024

A Happy Home

June 23, 2024

In Relational Hurt

June 16, 2024

Sweet Simplicity of our Identity

June 9, 2024

A Meaningful Life

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