Follow Me: Luke's account
Let's Do Some Good
Follow Me


March 28, 2021

Jesus' Prayer & Promise

We've been looking at the life of Jesus from Luke's account. This message will talk about what Jesus' life was leading to, specifically as we're confronted with his death. Yet we'll find that, it is through His death that we have life, and as believers we can find hope and comfort in the cross of our Lord Jesus.

March 21, 2021

Trade In Your Worries

This week we're reminded of several reasons why we should trade our worry for confidence - not in ourselves but in Jesus Christ alone! In this fallen world we are often tempted to worry, but Luke 12.22-34 helps us refocus on what we know to be true and fill us with peace in our circumstances.

March 14, 2021

Battling our Blindspots

When we follow the life of Christ we can see that He is with us, even through the problems and challenges of this life. This week's message that will help us find our blindspots as we seek to follow Him.

March 7, 2021

Go and Do Likewise

We come to a well-known parable in Luke and we pray that your heart will be ready to hear from our Lord in a new way through this familiar story. When we come ready to FOLLOW HIM, we know He can use us for His glory in mighty ways!

February 28, 2021

Half-hearted Devotion vs Extravagant Love

This week we'll look at Luke, chapter 7, to see a great example of extravagant love and be challenged to do the same in our lives, as we follow Jesus!

February 21, 2021

Refuel Your Purpose

We jump into Luke 5 (v. 1-11) and Luke 19 (v. 1-10) this week to take a closer look at our calling as Jesus-followers and look at Christ himself for our example. We'll use these snap-shots of Jesus' life to refuel our own purpose and passion as we follow HIM in our everyday lives!

February 14, 2021


Most of us dread Mondays. Some of us struggle in our marriages and relationships. Most of us get overwhelmed and can feel like the burden of life is just too much to carry. Well..there's ONE simple thing we can do to lift us out of that pit... FOLLOW Him. What does that look like? Listen to this week's message to be encouraged through the book of Luke!

February 7, 2021

When Dealing With Temptation

We head back to the start of Luke's account of the life of Jesus and see both an encouraging and an equipping text in Luke 4.1-13. As we follow Jesus through the wilderness of temptation, we can have hope that we CAN defeat temptation as we keep our eyes focused on Him.

January 31, 2021

The Thing That Matters Most

This week's message kicks off our new series to fill our weary souls with HOPE as we focus our eyes on the life of Christ! We'll open up with a happy surprise this Sunday that reminds us our Risen King is closer than we might realize.

We kick off 2021 with a new message series to help us be STRONG as we follow Jesus into this next year - not in our own power, but in the the power of the Lord.

January 24, 2021

Strong like a SOLDIER

This is our last message in the STRONG series and we're praying the Lord will fill you with HIS strength - to do some good! As we look at 2 Timothy 2, we'll be reminded that our strength is not our own, but see how we are given the strength to power through!

January 17, 2021

Strong Together

In Acts 18 we'll see 2 promises that Jesus gave Paul to encourage him to keep going. Now these same promises can encourage us today!

January 10, 2021

Demolish the Strongholds

If you ever feel defeated or discouraged, then this week's message is for you! Our STRONG series reveals how we can be STRONG in the Lord, and this week we'll take a look at tackling our minds - to think like Christ. By taking every thought captive, we can defeat destructive thought patterns and be strong to do some good!

January 3, 2021

Armor Up!

See the first step to being STRONG as we step into the battle and get armored up as we work through Ephesians 6!

December 27, 2020

God's Grace At Work...

The year 2020 sure has been one to remember! But if we can live with God's big picture in view...we will be able to recognize His grace in more ways that we think. We challenge you to take a snapshot of 2020, write down 5 ways you've seen God's grace, and take that into this next year as a great reminder of the God you serve!

November 29, 2020

Love One Another

This is our final message in our series to be equipped to DO SOME GOOD! We are encouraged by an example from the life of Christ in 1 John that will motivate us to take action on our call as Jesus followers!

November 22, 2020

Fueled by God's Provision

It's been said, "You haven't enjoyed something fully until you've enjoyed it with Him!" God has richly provided for us, nothing we have isn't from Him...and knowing that should fuel us to DO SOME GOOD!

November 15, 2020

Do Some Good In Obedience

We pray you are encouraged and energized to do some good after hearing JB's story and how God has worked in his heart!

November 8, 2020

Do Some Good With Compassion

December 20, 2020

How Do We Get Great Joy?

<p>As we wait for the arrival of Christmas, we'll get another glimpse of HIS glory this Sunday and celebrate that we can live a life of GREAT JOY in Christ! Join us in Luke 2 as we prepare for the ARRIVAL celebration of Christ this Christmas!

December 13, 2020

When We See Him As He Is

We'll see a powerful picture of HIS glory as we settle in John 1 and aim to get a better view of Christ. When we see Him as He is, we'll serve Him as we should - not out of guilt or pride, but out of devotion to our Savior and King!

December 6, 2020

A Glimpse of God's Glory

Just through the first few verses of Isaiah Chapter 6, we see a glimpse of God's glory. This Christmas season, as we celebrate the ARRIVAL of the greatest gift we can ever experience, we pray that you'll see Jesus Christ for who He is and as a result, be changed to follow Him and 'do some good!'

The calling of Jesus is simply this  FOLLOW ME – into a life of love in motion – humbly serving those around you!

LOVE is pursuing the good of someone, and here we see it involves ACTION – motion – DO as I have DONE for you!  It’s moving beyond good intention, it’s MOTION – it’s ACTION – it’s God getting up from the table and washing feet! HUMBLY serving, even those who have hurt him!

And so, our theme this year is two words and a phrase - FOLLOW ME – let's do some good!  It's answering the calling of Jesus to pursue a life of humble, loving service to those around us!

November 1, 2020

5 Ways to Do Some Good During Election Week

Even on election week, our mission is still the same - to do some good. Now that we've completed our orientation as followers of Christ, we're ready to follow Him by doing some good! We'll cover 5 tips from scripture to follow Jesus in whatever crazy circumstances we may find ourselves, especially this upcoming week.

October 25, 2020

Orientation: I Will Provide

As we wrap up our ORIENTATION series, we take a look at Genesis 22 and see an amazing example of God's provision. This is a crucial point in our series as we are equipped to pivot towards action, trusting our God to provide what we need!

October 18, 2020

Orientation: Noah

We continue our series through Genesis and learn from the story of Noah of what it looks like to follow Jesus, even when the world around us is astray.

October 11, 2020

Orientation: Conflict with Humility

Living in a world of conflict seems to be the reality in our world right now, but there is hope to have peace through our circumstances! When we fix our eyes on Jesus, we can be equipped to follow Him into the conflict with humble hearts; we'll use Genesis 4 to show us the way.

October 4, 2020

Orientation: a Message of Reconciliation

We have the chance to look at the incredible hope that's available as we trust Jesus when he says, 'Follow me!' - even into the mess of life that we see played out in its original form in Genesis 3.

September 27, 2020

Orientation: Doing Good TOGETHER

Genesis Chapter 2 explains God's design and with this He declares it is NOT good for man to be alone! We were given specific gifts through His intricate design and we pray those will be the focus of how you continue to live your life.

September 20, 2020

Orientation: Where Am I From? Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

As we begin this ministry season it's crucial that we're all on the same page.  Exactly WHO are we following?  And WHY are we following Him?  And WHO are we?  And WHY is this world such a mess?  And WHERE are we going?  These are all questions that must be answered.  And they are answered in the book of beginnings - Genesis.  We're going to orient our lives upon bedrock truth!  These truths will deepen our faith and provide stability as we follow Jesus into a life of humble service!

September 13, 2020

Let's Do Some Good!

Check out our "theme" for the year as well as our initiative for 20.21 that we hope will fuel us all to grow in our faith!

If there's one word that describes what nearly every person has felt over the past 6 months, it's overwhelmed. God's Word has some tremendous insight on how to handle moments in life where you feel overwhelmed. 

August 30, 2020

When You're Not Overwhelmed

We'll be in 2 Corinthians 1.3-4 and 1 Samuel 23 and talk about what to do in those times when you're NOT overwhelmed. We'll also hear a powerful testimony from one of our missionaries and introduce you to two friends who are dedicated to helping people who are overwhelmed.

August 23, 2020

Your Grace is Sufficient For Me

When challenges seem to keep flying at us and things are piling up, God's grace is sufficient for everything coming our way! But how can we really access His grace? We'll take a look at some hope-filled truth from 2 Corinthians 12 and examples from Nehemiah 4 to help on the most overwhelming days.

August 16, 2020


This message helps us answer the question, "How do I keep on keeping on when I'm overwhelmed with sorrow?" God shows us the way through our seasons of sorrow through the gift of Lament. We'll unpack Psalm 13 and discover three checkpoints to help us process our sorrow.

August 9, 2020

Overwhelmed by Depression, Anxiety & Suicide

In part 2 of our Overwhelmed series, we'll look at one of God's prophets and how he handled an overwhelming circumstance in his life. We'll see how God provided for him and how God longs to provide for us as well.

August 2, 2020

When Our Problems are Big and Our God is Small

When our problems are big and our God is small, we'll be paralyzed and overwhelmed. There were four mistakes the nation of Israel made, while they were overwhelmed, and you'll find we do some of the same things still today.

December 10, 2023

He Came to be Our Example

December 3, 2023

He Came to Save His People

November 26, 2023

In His Shadow: Week 4

November 19, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 3

November 12, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 2

November 5, 2023

In His Shadow: Ruth 1

October 29, 2023

Praying like Paul (pt. 2)

October 22, 2023

Praying Like Paul

October 15, 2023

Praying Like Jesus

October 8, 2023

The Reason Behind the Why

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