
August 21, 2019 | Seth Baker

A few Sundays ago we were going through the story of Noah’s Ark in the Elementary. While this story is one of the stories we’ve heard most in the Bible, when you really sit to think about it it’s a terribly bleak and terrifying...

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Dysfunctional People

August 5, 2019 | Tyson Herald

Every family since the Garden of Eden has been and is dysfunctional. Why? Because every family is comprised of dysfunctional people. Our dysfunction comes from our sin, which affects every area of our life.    The apostle Paul...

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3 Tips for Reading Your Bible

March 1, 2019 | Tyson Herald

By this time of year nearly every New Year's Resolution has failed. That doesn't mean you don't keep trying though. Especially when it comes to reading the Bible. Reading your Bible daily is one of the best things you can do to learn more about...

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What to consider when a leader falls

February 14, 2019 | Tyson Herald

Unfortunately, there aren't too many months that go by in a year where we don't hear that a Christian leader fails in some way. Here are a few things to consider and a reminder that ultimately our leader is...

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One Word

January 9, 2019 | Tyson Herald

Each year we challenge everyone who's a part of West Bridge to prayerfully consider picking one word, based off a verse in the Bible to focus on for the year. This comes from the book My One Word by Mike Ashcraft. The...

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